The Stimulus Package: WIIFE (What’s in it for Education?)

There’s been a lot of hoopla and media coverage over the stimulus package. One of CNN’s favorite clips to show was the 1100 pages of it sitting on a desk and to talk about how no member of congress has read it. By the way, the text for the final bill (called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) is a mere 407 pages. There are 230 instances of the word “education.” I turned to the Federal Fund Information for States report on the bill to gather information as it was only 58 pages and included some great tables noting the funds that will funnel through state programs. Additional summaries, available to the general public are available via the site.

I’ve tried to note all funding listed specifically under education as well items in other areas that are directly related to education. Have I missed something? Probably, but I believe the list will still help to clear up the question as stated in the title of the post.

The final total on the package was $787 Billion. In the chart I’ve created--which excludes a few items for adult skills training and independent living items—the total for preschool thru higher education is roughly $95 billion.

(Clicking on the chart will bring up a larger version.) Here's the brief, bulleted version:

  • Education Portion of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund: $39.5B
  • Title I $13B
  • IDEA/Special Education $12.2B
  • Education for Homeless Youth $670M
  • Teacher Incentive Fund $200M
  • Impact Aid $100M
  • School Lunch Equiment $100M
  • SNAP (school lunch) $20B
  • Head Start $1B
  • Early Head Start $1.1B
  • Job Corps $250M
  • Pell Grants $6.6B
Professional Development Tip for March 2, 2009

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