Digg It – Classroom Style

Digg is a popular Internet widget that allows readers to “tag” articles that they enjoy. Every time an article is tagged (when the user clicks on “Digg It”), that information is sent to the Digg website where a real-time listing of the Internet’s most popular articles is presented. In this way the rest us can see which internet articles (of the millions posted every day) are most popular with fellow readers. It helps us sort through the blizzard of information to find the “good stuff.”

As a unit review activity, have your students “tag” their favorite “article(s).” Have students review notes, activities and assignments and make a list the things they found most interesting, helpful or unexpected (at least one). Have the class share and compile on the board. It will be interesting for students to see what their classmates were “Digg-ing”. It’s also great information for you to see if there are consistent activities, points, or assignments to which students positively responded

Classroom Engagement tip for the week of August 21, 2008

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