Wiki through the Summer

Stay engaged with your students during the summer break through a classroom wiki. You could…

  • Create a Wiki where students choose some fun summer reading titles from a list posted on the site. After they finish reading the book they can post a quick review of the book and whether they would recommend it to others. Introduce it before students leave for the summer or send them an e-mail/ Facebook message when you have it set up.
  • Create a Wiki with “extra” fun labs/activities you didn’t have time to complete during the school year related to your subject area. Select activities that students can complete on their own without much supervision. Allow students to post pictures of their results and share as they complete an activity during the summer.
  • Invite your students to share a personal profile before the school year starts on a classroom Wiki. Students can use it as a way to get to know each other before the school year starts.
  • Preview the “exciting” coming events in your classroom. Post a version of the upcoming class syllabus to the wiki. Invite students to review the upcoming events and encourage them to comment about what they hope to learn in your classroom during the next year.

There are a number of sites available where you can set up a classroom wiki for free. Wetpaint happens to be our favorite. Check it out at

Classroom Engagement Tip for May 29, 2008

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