Help your students practice seeing an issue from multiple viewpoints – a valuable skill in today’s global, collaborative economy. Select a current news story with ethical implications. A simple web search of any local or national news site can provide you with a story to project/print and many stories have links to the actual video broadcast.
Allow students time to read or watch the story. Set context that they probably have multiple opinions and will have a chance to share and listen respectfully to others opinions. If needed, guide students with a few questions.
1. How does this make you feel? Why?
2. If you were the person in the story, how would you react?
3. What other viewpoints might exist on this topic?
Below are two examples:
USA Today has a story about the United Nations chief visiting Myanmar and assessing the impact of that country’s leaders to not allow foreign aid:
Below is a link from a current story found on which tells a story about an autistic boy who has been ordered not to attend church services due to the dangers he presents.
Leadership Development Tip for May 22, 2008
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