as shared by Jenison Public Schools Family Consumer Science teachers

Jenison school district requires every junior to take a one semester “Decisions” class. Three weeks of the class are dedicated to career development. They shared a simple tip called GNAP (“guh-nap”).

G - greeting
N - name
A – affiliation
P – purpose

GNAP is an acronym to teach students how to properly introduce themselves. It’s practiced with a smile and a handshake. Here are a few samples:

“Hi, I’m Carrie. I am a junior at Lincoln High School and am here to pick up an application.”

“Hi there, my name is Carrie. I’m a member of the Blaze softball team. I’m here to drop off these flyers for Randy Wilson.”

“Hello, my name is Carrie. I work with Relevant Classroom. I’m looking to print a small catalog and am wondering who I would speak with about a price estimate.”

It may seem small, but it is empowering to have a quick strategy to take charge of an introductory type situation, be it on the phone or in person. Jenison High School teachers model GNAP with their students on a regular basis, rehearse with their students and require students to GNAP them as their “ticket to class” the next day. Hopefully, GNAP will be their “ticket to an interview” or a “ticket to a great career” someday as well.

Career Development Tip for February 6, 2009

1 comment:

daveski said...

Many thanks for featuring the work we are doing in Jenison. We are proud of what we have done and continue to work to improve our programs so that our students enter the workforce fully prepared.