Judging a Book Completely by Its Cover

As a teacher, you wear a million different hats. Not the least of which is that of marketing professional. You have content that your students need for their life experiences and you work to fulfill that need by engaging them in a learning adventure. Marketing 101.

Did you realize the colors you use in your classroom and on the materials you provide play a key role in their connection to the content that you share? It’s a big conversation in the book publishing industry now – What colors do we use on a book cover to entice customers? What color will best connect with our target audience? Check out this reference chart. It’s written, based on research conducted by publishers, for those who design book covers, but the concepts apply in the classroom as we design handouts, bulletin boards and learning centers. Do you often run content outlines or handouts on yellow paper (or green, blue, salmon, goldenrod, etc.)? Who in your class does that most connect with? Who could you better connect with if you used a different color on your next copy job? What messages could you send your classes with the predominant color that’s up on your bulletin board right now? How about the PowerPoint you put together for an upcoming unit opener? Color can do so much to impact the messages we send our students!

For more detail, check out the expanded report.

Classroom Engagement Tip for September 11, 2008

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