Here’s an idea to help bring a little more spunk to your walls and pique your students’ interest. This summer, think about subject matter you’ll be covering in your classes this fall. How can you bring it to life, not just as you teach the content, but as students are entering and leaving the room (or looking around during class)? Using a wall space and possibly either a display table or lab set up, produce an interactive experience to enhance the content you’re covering in class.
For example, if you’re covering soils, you could fasten small soil profiles and samples for texturing on the wall. On a close by display table, you may set up examples of extrapolated particles – a ping pong ball for clay, a volleyball for loam and a beach ball for sand.
In a math or drafting class, create a wall display with a partial building model and the blueprints posted beside it. Use yarn to connect the points of interest in the building and blueprint so it’s easy to see how the building translates from paper to model. You may want to hang a protractor or scale on the wall, too, so students can see how angles and scale transfer.
In a history class, you may borrow period pieces (clothing, housewares, tools, etc.) from the local museum or a community member with a private collection to display as part of the unit and enrich the understanding of what people faced at that particular time.
Classroom Engagement for June 5, 2008
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